A maximising limiter with saturated drive - free VST audio effect plug-in download for music production, broadcasting and general audio editing.

  • Allows the signal to be pushed hard against a ceiling.
  • Begins with a saturated, wave-shaping drive before straight gain into a limiter.

For more details, read through the online manual below.

GSatMax Manual

Welcome to GSatMax

GSatMax is a maximising limiter with saturated drive.

The gain stage includes a saturated, wave-shaping drive ahead of a clean gain into a limiter.


GSatMax user interface

The user interface is simple with just four controls and a level meter.

Drive: Control the initial drive of the signal, which applies a warm, slightly distored gain to the audio.

Gain: Controls the clean gain into the limiter.

Ceiling: Set the hard ceiling of the limiter (peak level). The signal will be kept below this maximum.

Release: Adjusts how quickly the limiter relaxes after clamping down on the signal.

Hints and ideas

  • Short release times can create a pumping sound, while a longer release should give a more consistent level.
