GVST GTriChorus
Filtered chorus effect across three independent frequency bands - free VST audio effect plug-in download for music production, broadcasting and general audio editing.
- Configure three separate chorus layers to thicken the input signal.
- Each layer can be filtered to a frequency range and they can operate at different rates and depths.
For more details, read through the online manual below.
GTriChorus Manual
Welcome to GTriChorus
GTriChorus is a filtered chorus effect across three independent frequency bands.
The input can be thickened with up to three, independently filtered layers of chorus.
The user interface has a lot of options, but many are repeated three times - once for each chorus layer.
Dry Level: This setting controls the level of the input duplicated in the output.
Chorus controls
The remaining controls are each repeated three times, once for each band, so we'll cover them each just once here.
Low Cut, High Cut: These settings apply a band-pass filter to the input on the way into the chorus layer.
Each band can be formed from a different frequency range taken from the input signal.
Depth: This controls the "depth" of the chorus effect.
The depth is essentially how much vibrato is applied and is defined in cents up to 100, or a whole semitone.
Frequency: This controls the "speed" of the chorus effect.
That is, how quick the vibrato is. It can be set from very slow up to 10Hz.
Stereo: This widens the chorus by altering the relative phase of the vibrato in the left and right channels.
Higher values put the left/right chorus further out of phase to create a wider sound.
Hints and ideas
GTriChorus is most useful when trying to create a thick sounding pad or a wall of sound.
Try the effect on an analog pad sound or when trying to create a multi-layered vocal part.